Linda's Family Tree
Genealogy Books I Have Read
Helpful Genealogy Websites
© 2016 Linda D Newman
Linda's Toolbox
Other Items In My Toolbox
I have designed some helpful charts, graphics and forms for myself. Feel free to look at them, use them as they are or modify them for your use. If you share them "as is" please credit me and link them back to my website. If you modify them it would be nice if you could give some credit to me, something along the line of "Original form (jpg, chart) by Linda D Newman modified by (your name).
Every job, every hobby, has its own set of tools that help you do the work needed. In this section I have included items I have in my personal genealogy toolbox that I thought others might find useful. It includes books that I have read, Websites that I like, and some of the items I have designed for my own use. I hope that you will find items in this toolbox to help you in your research too.
I would love to hear what you have in your "toolbox"!
Coming Soon
More Coming Soon
Allen County Library (Ft Wayne, In)
National Archives and Records Administration (NARA)
Board For Certification of Genealogist
Sutro Library (San Francisco, Ca)