Linda's Family Tree
Ancestry DNA
I imagine most people have seen the ads for Ancestry's DNA test. I will say that yes I have also done Ancestry's test. One of the nice things about Ancestry DNA testing is you can attach your results to yourself on your tree. This is nice because when one of your DNA matches has attached their results to their tree and both of your trees go far enough back it will give you a shaky leaf hint as to who your common ancestor is.
I recently had one of those shaky leaf hints show up and I was really excited about this particular match because our most recent common ancestor (according to Ancestry) is Thomas E Antrim and Anna Mason, the couple who I had been speculating was my 3x great grandparents based on circumstantial evidence. Finding this dna match strengthens my arguement that they are the parents of my 2x great-grandfather John Antrim.
© 2016 Linda D Newman
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